Renewing your House Insurance Policy
Te Whakahou i tō Inihua Whare

Renewing your House Insurance Policy
Te Whakahou i tō Inihua Whare
If you own your home, there are a few items to check each year – after all, your house is likely to be your most valuable asset. Make sure you’ve insured it correctly:
Chat to your insurer, broker or advisor if you’re unsure whether your Sum Insured will cover your rebuild costs. Building costs change from year to year and were up 18% in the year to March 2021.
Have you recently renovated? Check the alterations you’ve made are correctly reflected in your Sum Insured.
Don’t forget to check what needs to change with exterior work as well – new landscaping, decks and retaining walls can impact your insurance policy and you’ll want to make sure they’re covered.
Has the usage of your home changed? If you’re now running your business from home, renting it out or having guests? Let your insurer know.
Your insurer will want to know if anyone living with you has a criminal background, both when taking out insurance and while cover is in place. If this isn’t disclosed, your policy may well be invalid.
Do you rent your home as a holiday home from time to time? Check with your insurer what you need to disclose and what changes you may need to make to your policy.
Have you, or anyone you live with, had an insurance policy or claim avoided, declined, cancelled or not renewed? Tell you insurer.