Renewing your Private Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy
Te Whakahou i tō Inihua Motokā Whare
Renewing your Private Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy
Te Whakahou i tō Inihua Motokā Whare
Your motor insurance could be comprehensive cover, third party fire and theft, or third party property damage that covers damage only to someone else’s property.
Check that the personal vehicle insurance type you have still suits your needs and available budget.
Check the market or agreed value of your vehicle is still accurate – second hand car values do fluctuate from year to year. Some late model vehicle values ncreased over 2021 and into 2022.
Your insurance company may change the Agreed Value at renewal, so check this carefully to ensure you agree.
Have you or anyone driving your vehicle had any driving offences? Likewise, you may have recovered a clean license. Depending on what’s changed, this may impact your cover.
Do you have Special Terms on your policy to include drivers under 25 if you need them covered too?
Has your vehicle had any modifications?
Is your vehicle purely for private use, or do you use your personal vehicle for business purposes (e.g. as a ride sharing service or doing deliveries)?
Has your home address recently changed?
Do you have or want to include any Add Ons to your policy, such as Windscreen Cover?
Have you or anyone driving your vehicle had an insurance policy or claim avoided, declined, cancelled or not renewed?
Reviewing your Renewal Schedule each year is an important part of enjoying the peace of mind your insurance policy provides. Remember, you can make any changes or updates throughout the year – it is good practice to do this whenever you suspect you may need to disclose an important change. A great example of this is if you’re having building work done at home and want to have the risk of any damage arising from that covered. If you’re not sure, contact your insurer to check.
Keen to understand more about insurance policy renewals? Head over to the Citizens Advice Bureau who explain why insurance is important, or check out our Insurance Health Check page. We also have a range of Consumer Guides about specific insurance topics that you might find helpful.